Monday, 14 November 2011

Baby got Black

I would very much like to know why children's wardrobes are so monochrome. For girls, it's pink. For boys, it's orange.

Ha - got you there. As you are well aware, for boys, it's blue.

Why - when we have seemingly evolved every baby product imaginable (I mean, there are even baby monitors with video cameras nowadays!) - can we not venture past the colour-classification for genders?

I got thinking about this question when I realised that I have never, ever, seen a baby dressed in black. In fact, come to think of it, I have not seen any black outfits stocked in the children's wear department.

One might argue that black is associated with mourning. One may even go so far as to suggest that black is the colour of evil. Certainly not something that should adorn the innocent skin of a precious, God-given child, right?

WRONG! Black is fashionable. It's slimming. It's sleek. Black is - and always has been,  cool. So if I want to dress my baby daughter in skinny black leggings, what's the problem? She won't become a toddler goth. I doubt she'd go out behind my back at the ripe old age of 8 weeks and get herself inked with I HEART MUM tattoos. Almost certainly she won't break out singing Johnny Cash's greatest hits. Granted, if I deck her out in black some people might puzzle whether she's a boy or a girl - but who cares? 

I say to all those pink-preachers, RELAX! Live a little. We have limitless colourways to choose from in our own wardrobes, why subject our children to sensory deprivation with theirs?

In the not too distant future I want to hear myself uttering the words, "Black is back, baby." Who's with me?

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