At some point over the last two months I have managed to win a secret election and am now officially the Fuhrer of Nagsville.
Where once I operated under a liberal idea of equal partnership in all matters of the home, I am now a power hungry dictator. And I can't help myself; lately it's my way or the highway, baby.
I have started to perform self-righteous speeches from atop my living room soapbox. I preach about cleanliness, order, and the superiority of my "people" - clean people. With an eagle eye I watch my fiance dare to put objects even slightly askew from their rightful place. "Does that belong there?" I question, eyebrow raised and finger pointed. Immediately, said-object is placed in its correct location, with a quivering look of subservience and a pleading request for forgiveness.
I can only presume that I have become this housework nightmare on account of my general tiredness. I used to be willing to clean up after others without too much of an after-thought. I had the time and energy to invest in maintaining a comfortable degree of tidiness to placate my house-pride. That time and energy abandoned me the very moment my little Poppet popped into the world. I started to prioritise sleeping over sweeping, and suddenly, things got bad. As it turned out, without me doing the cleaning, the cleaning didn't get done. Who knew?
Whilst I greatly dislike that I've become a ball-breaker of epic proportions, I must admit I am disappointed that I have been forced into this role. I am happy to do the washing, put the dishes away, make the bed, and vaccuum. As a SAHM (Stay At Home Mum) I feel that it is (to a degree) my responsibility. But there is a point when a relationship morphs from a partnership into a dictatorship and that point, dear friends, comes right about the time that your partner doesn't bother to pair his own socks.
I question: should we SAHM's have to do all the general cleaning and tidying up after our adult partners too? Sure, they are sweating hard to bring home the bacon but one would argue that as mature adults they should be responsible for keeping their own possessions in neat, working order.
Or am I just being demanding?
Personally, I think a happy balance must be struck. I must acknowledge that men - in general - aren't as house proud as their women folk. But lads, LISTEN UP, a little bit of laundry will get you a loooooong way. It might just be your ticket out of Nagsville!
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